7.5 Top Tips to Survive Your Un Wedding Day

With the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic crisis millions of couples worldwide have had to put their wedding day on hold. Now, in the grand scheme of things when loved ones are lost, and people’s lives changing
beyond belief, it seems a trivial matter. However, we understand how delaying your special day after months (and sometimes years) of planning can be devastating. When your planned wedding date arrives, it’s going to be a tough day to get through so here are a few tips that might help…


1) Take the Day Off - If you are not still furloughed from work, make sure you both take the day off as holiday. If you don’t live together all the points below can be done virtually using the wonders of modern technology!

2) Write a love letter – Put pen to paper and tell your loved one why they are the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Post it to make sure it arrives on what would have been your wedding day.

3) Propose Again – Reignite that moment of sheer excitement when you said ‘Yes’.

4) Revisit Your Wedding Plans – Now that you have more time before your big day, take a while to go through your wedding plans to see if there are any changes you’d like to make. It may be that with a few more months to save, you can consider adding a few extras that you would really like but couldn’t afford in the original budget.

5) Go Out (or stay in) on a Date - Get dressed up for a romantic candle lit dinner, whether it’s at home or in your favourite restaurant.


6) Drop a Line to Those Close to You – The chances are your Best Man/Woman, Bridesmaids, family and friends are also feeling quite deflated when the intended wedding day arrives, so remind then just how much you are looking forward to celebrating with them.

7) Be Thankful – When we emerge on the other side of this worldwide crisis, your wedding day will be celebrated in a way that you had never imagined with family and friends appreciating more than ever the freedom of being together again!

And finally, tip 7.5… Feel happy that by sacrificing your wedding day and staying at home, lives will be saved. And what a great story to tell your children and grandchildren!